Some of us can remember a time when we stared at a green screen with a command line in front of us to access data. Maybe you code currently and love it so much you find yourself creating code in your free time. If so, than I have a website for you. is a command line music player that uses its services to search and find new music. Whilst using a custom command line. If you are not aware of this... You've been informed. Fuck the Spotify's of this world. Apple doesn't need another app and Google can go fuck itself. Microsoft I don't even need to guess to know you're up to no good and frankly our government is watching our every move for some odd...
How I got into this interesting passion was though EDC 2010. It was my first rave, It was more of a concert and now I know this but it was a launching point for me to find something that really ignited what I do today. I would have never become a producer if it hadn't been for this concert. I can remember it like it was the other day. Sitting in the stands when EDC basically had 1 stage and multiple stages outside the dome. Of course this was also in LA at the time and I remember it fondly. I'd like to thank and show all my friends at that time how much I've grown in the past 6...